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Helping students to design homes on Mars

By Emily

Helping students to design homes on Mars

TAS has always been committed to supporting students, helping young people to explore the world of architecture. In August, I helped to lead a workshop for A-level and post graduate students held by D-Lab, a workspace and community interest company based in Hertfordshire and London focused on design, architecture, technology, and innovation. The main aim of the...


Tags: Profession

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Fundraising for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity

By Christophe

Fundraising for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity

TAS Architects’ Lizzie is running the Hackney Half on 26th September to fund-raise for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Only research can stop cancer and we have in mind Angus, the young son of a friend of TAS Architects who has a rare and devastating form of leukemia. Please visit our JustGiving page to support our cause if you can. In 2019, Angus, the son of...


Tags: Charities, Events

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RIBA East Award Winner 2021

By Lizzie

RIBA East Award Winner 2021

“The houses form a well-considered mini terrace in an awkward backland site. The project is an excellent example of what can be achieved through good design and simple means to produce a quality piece of architecture, for a profit, with a committed and intelligent developer. If more backland sites were developed with this level of rigour and delight, we would...


Tags: Awards, Finished Projects, In The Media

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RIBA Yorkshire Award Winner 2021

By Lizzie

RIBA Yorkshire Award Winner 2021

“This complex of old and new buildings working together is a great showcase of what can be done when you have great collaboration between the client, design team, and skilled contractor.” – RIBA Yorkshire We were absolutely thrilled to win an award at the RIBA Yorkshire Awards 2021! Our Yorkshire Farm Conversion was a hit with the judges, amongst...


Tags: Awards, Finished Projects, In The Media

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Designing a nursery and exploring acoustics for a village school

By Paul

Designing a nursery and exploring acoustics for a village school

TAS Architects has been working on a sketch design for a new nursery and multi-use space in the grounds of a village school. The school is lucky to benefit from a forest school area, ecological pond and running track, which are all important elements to consider in the design development. We were asked to create a design for a nursery to accommodate 20 children, with...


Tags: Design

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Introducing ‘Collaborate and Build’

By Christophe

Introducing ‘Collaborate and Build’

Traditionally, once a house building project has gained planning permission, the next stage is detailed design followed by a competitive tender process to find a builder. Up to this point, costs are only loosely unknown. The client doesn’t have an exact price for their project until the architect has spent time creating a highly detailed design package. However,...


Tags: Architectural process, Construction, Design

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Resolution to grant planning: Dickens Square Park Surgery, Southwark

By Paul

Resolution to grant planning: Dickens Square Park Surgery, Southwark

We’re thrilled to have successfully secured a resolution to grant planning permission for a new sustainable development at Dickens Square Park Surgery, Southwark, comprising a new 1,000 m2 medical centre and 39 new homes. The development will provide a mix of 1-, 2- and 3-bed dwellings, including 41% affordable housing. The GP surgery will cater for 85% more...


Tags: Design, Planning

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Planning submitted: Eight new houses, Suffolk

By Christophe

Planning submitted: Eight new houses, Suffolk

Just submitted – planning for four 2-bed terraced houses, and outline planning for four self-build plots of 3 & 4-bed houses. Each dwelling is carefully orientated to provide a balance of internal daylight, quality amenity space, and views out to the surrounding countryside. The site has mature boundary hedging which will screen the new houses in views...


Tags: Design, Planning

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Offsite timber frame manufacture: the pros and cons

By Lizzie

Offsite timber frame manufacture: the pros and cons

Offsite timber frame construction has raced ahead in recent years, both in terms of popularity with self-builders and the UK’s ability to manufacture. However, a timber frame structure produced offsite won’t be the right choice for every project. The decision boils down to time and project specifics, including budget and design ambitions. The most important...


Tags: Construction, Design, On Site

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Planning permission granted: Surbiton Road

By Paul

Planning permission granted: Surbiton Road

On its way! We’re thrilled that this mixed-use scheme on Surbiton Road has been granted planning permission. Behind the listed façade, the existing buildings will be partially demolished to make way for nine residential units with flexible retail and coworking space on the ground floor. Roof gardens will top off the four storeys and a communal courtyard at the...


Tags: Design, Planning

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